Start using Octoprint

Jan 2, 2021 | 3D Printing

Latest update: 8 December 2023

In order to simplify the process of printing 3D designs, I wanted to upload my print files directly to my 3D printer via my network. This would eliminate the need to transfer the files to an SD card and then insert the card into the printer. A common solution to this problem is to add a Raspberry Pi or Raspberry Pi clone running Octoprint. This not only allows for network file uploads but also provides several other tools, making it easier to control the 3D printer directly from a computer. These tools include the ability to slice designs and remotely monitor the printer during the print process.


Although many people opt for a Raspberry Pi, I decided to use an Orange Pi, a small Raspberry Pi clone that already has WIFI capability. I have had positive experiences with Orange Pi products, which tend to be cheaper than Raspberry Pis but offer the same features. The Orange Pi series mostly uses Alwinner processors.

One downside of using a Raspberry Pi clone is that it is not supported by Raspbian OS, which means that pre-built instantiations based on Raspbian cannot be used. Instead, I needed to configure the Raspberry Pi clone myself to create the solution I wanted.

Hardware selection

Allwinner H616 64-bit high-performance Quad-core Cortex-A53 processor ( for details see Orange-Pi-Zero-2)

Orange Pi Zero 2

Install Orangepi zero 2

Debian 10 (Buster):

Linux kernel 4.19
more tested in the Kubernetes world
natural upgrade from Debian 9
defaults to iptables NFT (not supported by most CNI plugins)
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal):

Linux kernel 5.4
has fixes for all known kernel bugs at this time (including conntrack ones)
defaults to iptables Legacy (supported by most CNI plugins)
very similar to Debian, so most custom hooks and user scripts should still work
There may be some other considerations that I am missing. If so, please add a commoent.

Login as root on console (HDMI / serial) or via SSH and use password 1234. Yo

Setup Octoprint

comming soon (update of novemeber 2023

Interest in more 3D printer projects see my 3D printing store here (3d-printing)

Other projects from Kafkar

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